Постанова Про Особливу Подяку Голові Гонсало та КПП
We publish an unofficial translation into Ukrainian of the document "Resolution of special acknowledgment to Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP"....
We publish an unofficial translation into Ukrainian of the document "Resolution of special acknowledgment to Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP"....
We publish an unofficial translation into Ukrainian of the document "Resolution for class greetings to the People’s Wars in the...
We publish an unofficial translation into Ukrainian of the document "Historical News of the successful Holding of the Unified Maoist...
On the announced formation by the International Communist League Central CommitteeCommunist Party of the PhilippinesJanuary 18, 2023 The Communist Party...
Condemn the Center and Chhattisgad State Government's Unprecedented fascist Drone Strikes and Helicopter gun firings on the people OPPOSE THE...
Celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA! Intensify Class struggle-Guerrilla warDefeat ‘SAMADHAN’ offensive and Advance People’s War! Abridged Message of the...
AND Editorial Staff16 January 2023 Weekly Editorial - The 'green chickens' are puppets in the hands of the High Command...
We publish an unofficial translation that we received of the Condolences by the International Communist League for the death of...
COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS CC, CPI (MAOIST) Appeal Date 8 th Jan, 2023 Dear Comrades, friends and...
We publish an unofficial Romanian translation of the document "Resolution of special acknowledgment to Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP". Prezentare...