Statement by AIA Ireland
Statement by Anti Imperialist Action Ireland

Yesterday, it was announced that Chairman Gonzalo, the leader of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) and the Revolution in Peru was dead.
The death of Chairman Gonzalo comes directly at the hands of the reactionary Peruvian state, who had held him captive in an underground prison cell under maximum security conditions at the Callao Naval Base, since his capture in 1992.
Despite being imprisoned for the last 29 years, Chairman Gonzalo had remained unrepentant and an inspiration to Revolutionaries all over the world, who are united with him and the People’s War in Peru in the fight against Imperialism. This will continue to be the case in his death.
While the reactionary Peruvian state think they have finally killed Chairman Gonzalo, they are wrong. Chairman Gonzalo will continue to live in the hearts of all Revolutionaries who continue that fight against imperialism, and he leaves a shining legacy in his writings and teachings as a guide to Revolutionary Movements all over the world.
Honour the life of Chairman Gonzalo- Fight Revisionism- Reaction and Imperialism- Build the Proletarian Revolution to Victory!