Dutch: Declaration on the 131st anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and the 2nd anniversary of the ICL
We publish this unofficial Dutch translation of the ICL Declaration on the 131st Anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao...
We publish this unofficial Dutch translation of the ICL Declaration on the 131st Anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao...
Büyük Başkan Mao Zedung'un 131. doğum yıldönümü ve Enternasyonal Komünist Birlik'in (EKB) 2. kuruluş yıldönümü vesilesiyle, uluslararası proletaryaya ve dünyanın...
We publish this unofficial Italian translation of the ICL Declaration on the 131st Anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao...
I anledning af 131-årsdagen for den store Formand Mao Tsetungs fødsel og toårsdagen for grundlæggelsen af Internationalt Kommunistisk Forbund (IKF)...
Anlässlich des 131. Jahrestages der Geburt des großen Vorsitzenden Mao Tse-Tung und des 2. Jahrestages der Gründung des Internationalen Kommunistischen...
Por ocasião do 131º aniversário do natalício do grande Presidente Mao Tsetung e do 2º aniversário da fundação da Liga...
On the occasion of the 131st anniversary of the birth of the great Chairman Mao Tse-tung and the 2nd anniversary...
On occassion of the 2nd anniversary of the International Communist League, we share some art works that we have received...
We hereby share an unofficial translation that we have received. Manggagawa ng Lahat ng Bansa, Magkaisa! Sa ika-130 taon ng...