Appeal Date 8 th Jan, 2023 Dear Comrades, friends and well-wishers of Indian revolution Red Salutes. In 2021 September the Indian Home Minister Mr. Amit Sha was conducted a meeting in Delhi with Maoist affected states ministers and Chief Ministers, Police bosses. In that meeting they have taken a devastating decision that the Indian Maoists will be eradicated within one year stipulated time. But it is in vain, they were not succeeded in it. Our Party CPI (Maoist) was determinedly retaliated it with our brave PLGA and our revolutionary masses with great immortal sacrifices. In this process we got utmost solidarity from you and it played a crucial role in retaliating it. Our CC conveys its best revolutionary regards to you.
In 2022 October under the same home minister like the same meeting was held in Surajkund, Haryana. The Indian Prime Minister was also attended that meeting and addressed it on eradicating the Maoism in India. He repeatedly illustrated not to exclude the pen holders (kalamdhari) from gun holders (Aayudhdhari). After this meeting Indian Home minister was conducted another meeting in Delhi on 11th Dec, 2022. In this meeting he said that the forces are ready to enter into the Maad area which covers near about 3,900 square kilometers to liberate it from Maoists control. The local police officers with Central Armed Police Forces are being conducting regular meetings to execute the plan for the operations across the Maoist affected areas of the country particularly Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgad, Maharashtra, Telangan and Odisha. In Jharkhand the police officials are repeatedly conducting the search operations on big scale and firing thousands of bullets, Shells in the forests and targeting the people. Police atrocities are in rampant.
The Maad area which covers 3,900 sq. K.M. of the Narayanpur district, Bastar division is having one of the old tribal i.e. Madia inhabitants which comes under the PVTG according the Indian government (Particular Vulnerable Tribal Group). Already the government allotted more than 700 square kilo meters for the police department to build counter-guerilla training center. The people are opposing it and they are opposing even to establish the new police camps in Maad. In spite of the people’s opposition the police and other government officials are intensifying their activities in the Maad area.
On 7th January, the Indian Home Minister addressed a public meeting in Korba a working class center in the north Chhattisgad. In that meeting he said that they are going to start “Operation Vikas (Development)” to eliminate the Maoist from Maad to liberate it. One side he is saying that the Maoism is the out-come of under development and backwardness of the areas. And another side he is saying that they are going to wash out Maoists from the area. Actually the Maoist are not others, they are all the local inhabitants only. They are the sons and daughters of the local people. They are fighting and resisting the exploitation of corporate houses. They are not ready to vacate their fore-fathers lands and villages for the benefit of industrialists or big business people. But, now the Indian ruling classes are decided to eradicate the local tribal people to hand over this mineral rich wide forest swathes to the corporate houses to loot it.
Now, our India is presiding the G-20 countries and Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is as a president of that group he is very interested to fulfill his Make in India ambitions. He needs FDIs, he needs industries, he needs business, he is dedicated to serve imperialists but people are dead against for his dreams. Because the people want forest, they want their fields, they want their villages and they are determined to oppose displacement for big corporate houses. Now a new slogan is emerged from the people’s struggle is that oppose corporatization and militarization. So, our CC appeals you to come forward and condemn the ongoing onslaught of police and fight against their forth coming military operations to so called liberation of Saaranda in Jharkhand and Maad in Chhattisgad.
Amrut, I/c International affairs,
central committe CC, CPI (Maoist)