Statement of the NDFP National Council on the passing of beloved Comrade Jose Maria “Ka Joma” Sison

Statement of the NDFP National Council on the passing of beloved Comrade Jose Maria “Ka Joma” Sison
National Council | National Democratic Front of the Philippines
December 17, 2022
The National Democratic Front of the Philippines National Council renders its highest tribute and salute to Comrade Jose Maria “Joma” Sison – great proletarian internationalist, patriot, communist, revolutionary leader, teacher and poet, who passed away after a lingering illness December 16, 2022 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
As Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), Ka Joma led in the establishment of the NDFP on April 24, 1973, and in further building the broad national united front by inspiring the basic sectors of peasants, workers, students, women, indigenous people, church people and professionals to form their own revolutionary mass organizations and become members of the NDFP. Together with the CPP, the New People’s Army, and Ka Joma’s leadership, the NDFP has been able to help advance the people’s democratic revolution, and build the people’s organs of political power.
The NDFP-NC will forever cherish Ka Joma’s wisdom, guidance and inspiration in revolutionary united front work, and vow to build and further strengthen the People’s Democratic Government until the total seizure of political power and finally establish the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of the Philippines.
We vow to remain steadfast and uncompromising in firmly pursuing the armed revolution to free the Filipino toiling masses from the shackles of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism.
We send and express our deepest condolences to his wife, Comrade Julie de Lima, his children, grandchildren, friends and close comrades.
Ka Joma Lives!
Advance the People’s War to Achieve National Freedom and Democracy!
Victory to the People’s Democratic Revolution!
Long Live the People’s United Front!
Long Live International Solidarity!
In behalf of the NDFP National Council,
Luis Jalandoni
Member, NDFP National Council