Brazil: Students protest against cuts on public education and unleash a powerful wave of occupations of universities across the country
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Brazil: Students protest against cuts on public education and unleash a powerful wave of occupations of universities across the country
In Brazil, students have occupied universities in order to protest cuts to public education of in total 452 million R$. In early December, the ExNEPe, the vanguard of the Brazilian student movement, that led occupations against budget cuts already in October, called for a powerful wave of occupations and protests all around the country on the 12th of December to protest the newest cuts by the reactionary goverment. ExNEPe called on all students, democratic teachers and other education workers to defend public and free education, demanding the immediate revocation of cuts and the refund of budgetary funds, as well as the immediate payment of scholarships and aid to teachers and students, to resist the privatisation of education in the interest of the monopolies and to struggle for free public education that serves the people.
Students have so far, since early December, organised demonstrations and occupation strikes in multiple universities and cities in the states of Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Espírito Santo. More actions have been announced to come in multiple other states. The students have successfully taken and held control of university buildings and defying reaction, distributing leaflets and hoisting banners, powerfully raising their demands through struggle.

Sao Paolo:

Rio de Janeiro:


Santa Catarina

See AND for the original reports: