Mexico: Honour and glory to those who have given their lives serving the people!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!
We reproduce here an important statement by the comrades of Current of the People Red Sun in our prelimintary English translation.
Honour and glory to those who have given their lives serving the people!

In Mexico and its different geographies there are profound traditions that, despite the passage of time or the mestizaje, assume their own characteristics of identity processes and cultural resistance from our peoples, which we need to defend and exalt because they are part of popular culture.
These processes, like the Day of the Dead, are especially important also in the class struggle, for they serve – just as in their origin – to honour and glorify those who have given their lives in the service of the people.
It is important that it is called this way: Day of the Dead, and let us reject the fashions and the gringo hegemony of “Halloween”, which is also a reflection of the semi-coloniality imposed by Yankee imperialism, which seeks to impose its dominant ideas and acculturate our peoples, alienating them under its mercantilist and disposable iron rule.
In this sense, and in the framework of the celebrations of the Day of the Dead, the revolutionaries in Mexico have made the traditional Day of the Dead carpet and altar, to vindicate the lives of our comrades who have fallen in the struggle for the land and against the imposition of imperialist megaprojects of dispossession and death that scourge our country.
Here we document some cultural demonstrations in homage to our comrades.

The carpet is made with coloured sand, flowers, reeds, stones and great affection for those who fought until the last moment for land and territory. The faces of our comrades Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino “Comandante Gato” (murdered on 11 April 2019) and Jesús Manuel García Martínez “Chu Pau” (murdered on 27 October 2022), were accompanied by the names of other comrades who fell in combat confronting paramilitary groups: Faustino Acevedo Bailón (4 May 2006), Alfredo Errestre Vázquez (13 October 2007), Rosalino Díaz Barrera (31 January 2008), Paulino Salud Lándiz (4 May 2009). The placemat features the legend “THOSE WHO DIE FOR LIFE CANNOT BE CALLED DEAD”, the slogan ¡SolRojista sí señor! and the logo of our organisation.

Parallel to the altar of a community in resistance where the Popular Assembly guarantees the course of the struggle, this one depicts the comrades who contributed to the formation of this embryo of New Power and left fighting, with the hope that one day we will take power, specifically comrades Javier López Martínez “Comandante Rojo” (19 March 2018), Yolanda Cabrera González (17 February 2021) and Saúl Morales Hernández “Chino Pelón” (10 June 2021).

Likewise, in Santa Cruz Tagolaba, where comrade “Chu Pau” was recently assassinated, a monumental rug was made that evokes the struggle in defence of the land, the opposition against the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) and the work of the peasants.
In other places the comrades remembered the names of all those who throughout these 15/6 years of class struggle and organisation have generously given their lives for the New Democratic Revolution; here we share again all their names in chronological order:
Faustino Acevedo Bailón (killed 4 May 2006), Alfredo Errestre Vázquez (killed 13 October 2007), Rosalino Díaz Barrera (killed 31 January 2008), Paulino Salud Lándiz (killed 4 May 2009), Fernando Meraz (24 August 2016), Jorge Alberto Hernández Jiménez (22 April 2018), Javier López Martínez “Comandante Rojo” (19 March 2018), Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino “Comandante Gato” (killed 11 April 2019), Jorge Alberto Cruz Torrez (20 April 2019), Joel Gutiérrez López (4 January 2021), Yolanda Cabrera González (17 February 2021), Saúl Morales Hernández “Chino Pelón” (10 June 2021), Ángel López Pineda (22 January 2022) and Jesús Manuel García Martínez “Chu Pau” (murdered on 27 October 2022), before all of them we bow our red flags of the New Democratic Revolution, agrarian and anti-imperialist, uninterrupted towards Socialism, the same flags that with their hands they raised and defended in life.

Those who die for life cannot be called dead!
Current of the People Red Sun
November 2022