It has already been four years! Dr. Ernesto Sernas García

We publish an unofficial translation of a statement published by the Mexican comrades of Sol Rjo.
Four years have passed since the forced disappearance of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García. To mark the occasion, various organisations from all over Mexico have issued the following joint statement, which we share with you, accompanied by a video.
It’s already 4 years!
We want him alive!
It has already been four years!
This 10 May marks four years since the forced disappearance of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García, which occurred in San Agustín de las Juntas, Oaxaca in 2018.
Sernas García was a professor and researcher at the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca, as well as a lecturer at various universities in Mexico, Latin America and Spain.
Dr. Ernesto Sernas worked as legal advisor to the Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo for the defence of political prisoners and indigenous peoples in resistance.
Four years after his forced disappearance, the omissions of the Mexican State are extremely serious, as there is no search plan and no solid line of investigation; the authorities without any explanation have refused to consider his work as a human rights defender.
Sernas García’s family and organisation have suffered revictimisation, harassment, threats and persecution for demanding truth and justice.
It is now four years since this crime against humanity was committed against a progressive intellectual and defender of the rights of the people.
We, the undersigned organisations, demand that the Mexican State guarantee his immediate search and presentation alive.
We want him alive!
Sección XXII SNTE-CNTE; Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (CP-Sol Rojo); Unión Nacional de Trabajadores Agrícolas (UNTA-Oaxaca); Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo (UCIZONI); Movimiento Estudiantil Popular (MEP-Mx); Familias Triquis desplazadas de San Miguel Copala; Brigadas Juveniles del Pueblo (BJP); Movimiento de Unificación y Lucha Triqui Independiente (MULTI); Familias Triquis desplazadas de Tierra Blanca Copala; Asamblea General de Trabajadores (AGT); Movimiento Agrario Indígena Zapatista (MAIZ); Coordinadora Nacional Plan de Ayala-Movimiento Nacional (CNPA-MN); Movimiento Femenino Popular (MFP-Mx); Periódico Mural-prensa popular y democrática; Iniciativas para el Desarrollo de la Mujer Oaxaqueña (IDEMO); No Vivimos del Aplauso (NVDA); Radio Zapote; UNIDO; Pueblos Unidos de la Cuenca Antigua por los Ríos Libres-Veracruz (PUCARL); Unión Popular Apizaquense Democrática e Independiente-Tlaxcala (UPADI); Sindicato Independiente Nacional de Trabajadores de Salud-Sección 9 (SINTS); Asamblea Popular Resistencia Atlitic-CDMx; Partido Obrero Socialista (POS); Sindicato Nacional Libre de los Trabajadores del Seguro Social (SNLTSS); Sindicato Único de Trabajadores del Telebachillerato Comunitario del Estado de Oaxaca (SUTTEBCEO); Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Las Vanders; Colectivo Popular de Propaganda; Proyecto Cooperativo Teozentli; Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la tierra y el agua de Morelos, Puebla y Tlaxcala; Colectivo Trabajo, Libertad y Autonomía; Movimiento Proletario Independiente (MPI); Mazatecas por la Libertad, Frente Popular Francisco Villa Independiente (FPFVI); Colectivo Legado Gaia (LEGAIA); Federaciòn Intersindical; Coordinación de Movimientos Populares-CDMx (CMP); Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (LIMEDDH).
Isabel Sernas Santiago (daughter of Dr. Ernesto Sernas García); Guillermo Pacheco (plastic artist); Ellioth Escobar Gómez (lawyer and human rights defender); Alejandro Torres Chocolatl (member of Pueblos Unidos and councillor of the National Indigenous Congress); Ricardo Luqueño Romero (poet); Sacni Acosta; Iván Martínez.