Serve The People Media – Norway: Eternal Glory to Chairman Gonzalo!
Translation of statement by the editorial staff in Tjen Folket Media / Serve The People Media

Urgent: Eternal Glory to Chairman Gonzalo!
By the editorial staff in Tjen Folket Media / Serve The People Media.
On the morning of the 11th of September 2021, the Peruvian reaction announced that they finally have murdered Chairman Gonzalo. In that occasion there has been announced a manifestation in Oslo in his honor, the 25th of September in Oslo. We ask all our readers to put everything else aside to attend:
September 25. | 18:00 | Johanne Dybwads plass 1 – Studenterlunden
(Nationaltheateret t-banestopp)
Slogans for the manifestation:
The organizer is saying that the manifestation will go to the Peruvian embassy where there will be speeches and chants.
We most strongly encourage our readers to attend, and also to participate in demonstrating the events that has occurred. Chairman Gonzalo died at the hands of the enemy, after almost three decades in isolation. He was arrested on this day, the 12th of September, in 1992.
The 24th of September, 12 days after his arrest, Chairman Gonzalo held his historic speech where he, in front of the world press, declared that the his arrest and that of the several other comrades from the Central Committee, was just a “bend in the road” and that the people’s war must and will continue.
Chairman Gonzalo is the recognized leader of the revolution and the party in Peru, and it is undeniable that this revolution hoisted the red flag of Maoism to new heights, and placed it at the forefront of the proletarian world revolution. In the mentioned speech, Chairman Gonzalo said:
“Finally now, listen to this. As we see in the world, Maoism is marching unstoppably to lead the new wave of world proletarian revolution. Listen well and understand! Those who have ears, use them. Those who have understanding – and we all have it – use it! Enough of this nonsense. Enough of these obscurities! Let us understand that! What is unfolding in the world? What do we need? We need Maoism to be incarnated, and it is being incarnated, and by generating Communist Parties to drive and lead this new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that is coming.”
The reaction has murdered Chairman Gonzalo, but his thinking is immortal. His life work and his legacy can never be erased. On the contrary, the contributions to Maoism made by Chairman Gonzalo is manifesting more and more today. Maoism is being manifested in the processes all over the world, to constitute or reconstitute Maoist Communist Parties, to initiate new people’s wars and to develop the four people’s wars in Peru, Turkey, India and the Philippines. And not least, Maoism is manifested by the process to carry out the Unified International Maoist Conference that is going to constitute the new international organization of the proletariat. No revolutionary can take lightly what has now occurred, no one can take lightly this murder, which is a direct attack on Maoism, the international communist movement and our entire class.
All who want to contribute to the manifestation is asked to make contact through Tjen Folket Media. Organizations are welcome to join the manifestation, for the greatest Marxist-Leninist-Maoist of our time and the world’s foremost political prisoner, murdered in captivity by the rotten Peruvian state.
For more insight into the situation, see the following declarations the last month:
The last mentioned article is a declaration by the Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction) to our Galician comrades on the occasion of the passing of the founder of the Committee for the Construction of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia, where the Brazilian comrades also talk about the situation of Chairman Gonzalo.
Lastly – the reaction is saying that Chairman Gonzalo died from an infection in his solitary cell. They say he was transferred to this cell from the hospital, just a few days ago. When he was brought to the hospital, he had easily detectable diseases, which they have let develop without acting. The murder is a concrete fact, and with their black propaganda they attempt to discredit his legacy, like the bourgeoisie always will try to discredit the legacy of great revolutionaries. They will not succeed. The reaction belongs to the past and the future is bright!
Eternal glory to Chairman Gonzalo!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!