Да здравствует непобедимая вооруженная борьба национального сопротивления палестинского народа!
We publish this unofficial Russian translation of the statement Long live the invincible armed struggle of national resistance by the...
We publish this unofficial Russian translation of the statement Long live the invincible armed struggle of national resistance by the...
We publish this unofficial Polish translation of the statement Long live the invincible armed struggle of national resistance by the...
We publish this unofficial Italian translation of the statement Long live the invincible armed struggle of national resistance by the...
We publish this unofficial Portuguese translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! Proletários de todos os países, uni-vos! VIVA O...
We publish this unofficial Romanian translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! Proletari din toate țările, uniți-vă! TRĂIASCĂ MAOISMUL! Liga...
We publish this unofficial Ukranian translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! ХАЙ ЖИВЕ МАОЇЗМ! Міжнародна Комуністична Ліга закликає комуністів...
We publish this unofficial Danish translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! Proletarer i alle lande, foren jer! LEVE MAOISMEN!...
We publish this unofficial Norwegian translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! Proletarer i alle land, foren dere! LENGE LEVE...
We publish this unofficial German translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch! ES LEBE DER...
We publish this unofficial Vietnamese translation of the document LONG LIVE MAOISM! Vô sản toàn thế giới, đoàn kết lại!...