Communist Party of India (Maoist): Message to the people

Message to the people
Let us Celebrate the 18th Anniversary of the Party from 21st to 27th September 2022 with Revolutionary Enthusiasm and Firm Will!
Let us enhance Mass Base and advance People’s War!
Let us defeat the strategic ‘SAMADHAN’-Prahar offensive of the Enemy!
A Message from the Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) to the ranks of the Party, Revolutionary People’s organs and Revolutionary People on the Occasion of 18th Anniversary of the Party
Central Committee
Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Let us Celebrate the 18th Anniversary of the Party from 2022 September 21st to 27th with Revolutionary Enthusiasm and Firm Will!
Let us enhance mass base and advance People’s War!
Let us defeat the strategic ‘SAMADHAN’-Prahar offensive of the Enemy!
Dear Comrades and People!
It is 18 years for our Party, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) by 21st September 2022 since its formation. Our party is the vanguard leading the revolutionary movement in the country. On the occasion, the Central Committee of the party calls upon the entire ranks of the party, revolutionary people’s organs and revolutionary people to celebrate the 18th Anniversary in the rural and urban areas all over the country with revolutionary enthusiasm and firm will. It calls upon to enhance mass base in all corners of the country, strengthen the party and to advance People’s War in India and to defeat the counter-revolutionary strategic ‘SAMADHAN’-Prahar offensive.
One hundred and twenty-four comrades have become martyrs in the past one year courageously encountering the ‘SAMADHAN’-Prahar attacks unleashed by the enemy in a bid to eliminate our party and the revolutionary movement, that is making determined efforts to achieve the great objectives of destroying the rotten semi-colonial, semi-feudal system in the country and accomplish New Democratic Revolution and to establish Socialism-Communism all over the world. Thirty of them are woman warriors. The martyrs include member of the CC and Polit Bureau Comrade Akkiraju Haragopal (Ramakrishna, Saket), member of the CC and Secretary to Special Zonal Committee of Maharashtra-Madhya Pradesh-Chhattisgarh, Comrade Milind Teltumbde (Deepak, Jeeva), member of DKSZC Secretariat Comrade Uppuganti Nirmala (Narmada), member of BJSAC Secretariat Comrade Sandeep Yadav (Rupesh), 13 members of ZC/DvC/DC, 30 AC/PPC and 27 activists of people’s organs. We are yet to receive the details of 25 comrades.
In addition to them, we lost several leaders, activists of revolutionary, progressive, democratic Mass Organisations, intellectuals, sympathisers and friends of revolution. On the occasion of the 18th Anniversary of our Party, the CC pays humble revolutionary homage to all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of people including the beloved founder leaders of our Party Comrade Charu Mazumdar and Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee.
The martyrdom of several leadership comrades such as the leader of Peru Communist Party Comrade Gonzalo, the spokesperson of NPA of Philippines Comrade Ka Oris and founder leader of Galicia Maoist Communist Party Comrade Martin Naya is a severe loss to the International Communist movement. Comrade Gonzalo correctly applied the theory of MLM and PPW to the social conditions in Peru and emerged a great leader in advancing People’s War in the country. He did great service to advance the World Communist movement against imperialism. Comrade Ka Oris played an important role as a Senior Commander and Spokesperson of NPA in fighting back the intensive counter-revolutionary offensive taken up by the comprador rulers in the dictates of US imperialists in a bid to absolutely eliminate the Revolutionary movement in Philippines. Sixty-two year old Comrade Martin Naya well known as Miguel Alonso in the International proletarian movement lost his life out of severe ill health on 3rd September 2021. As a Trade Union leader and a leader of the MLM Party of Galicia he had been holding high the Red Flag for the past four decades and working untiringly to develop the International Communist movement. The CC pays Red homage to all these great working class leaders and all the fighters who sacrificed their lives in the ongoing New Democratic, Socialist revolutions, the various anti-imperialist, national liberation struggles and democratic, progressive, patriotic movements of various countries as a part of World Socialist Revolution. Let us pledge to fight until our last breath with firm determination in the path of revolution that the martyrs showed, in the spirit of their proletarian ideals, highlighting their self-less sacrifices and advancing towards achieving the ultimate victory.
The CC expresses deep condolences for all the heroic fighters injured in the process of foiling the enemy’s plans in their brave counter to the ‘SAMADHAN’-Prahar attacks in the past one year. It strongly believes that they would recover soon and jump into the arena of People’s War. During this time, veteran comrade of our party, member of Polit Bureau, Secretary to the Eastern Regional Bureau, Comrade Kishanda, members of the CC Comrades Sheeladi, Kanchanda, Krishnamurthy and Vijay Kumar Arya were arrested. The arrest of these comrades makes a negative impact on the advancement of New Democratic Revolution in the country. Many comrades were caught by the enemy, tortured, foisted with false cases and imprisoned. Fascist judges of Bihar and Jharkhand imposed death sentence to few comrades. Hundreds of comrades, revolutionary peasant activists are facing punishment. All of these comrades are transforming the prisons into struggle centres and are holding aloft the banner of revolution. The CC conveys revolutionary greetings to all the comrades. It assures that it would make all attempts for their release in the earliest.
The CC adopted tasks on the occasion of the 17th Anniversary of the party to fight back the enemy’s ‘SAMADHAN’-Prahar offensive and advance the revolutionary movement according to the specific conditions of various areas. Let us look into the development and the results we achieved in various sectors in the past one year in achieving these tasks.
Party, PLGA and Revolutionary people’s organs from the top to the bottom levels worked for the past one year to implement the decisions of the CC meeting in 2021 January. There was relative improvement in the team work of the committees. However we need to concentrate on individual and collective study. We need to attain much more improvement in the functioning and to develop unity of thought of the committees. We achieved a little improvement in creatively applying democratic centralism to the conditions in the light of MLM with the real spirit corresponding to the conditions so as to develop genuine ideas and in utilising the method of self-criticism-criticism as a sharp instrument. We made certain effort to unite all the ranks of the Party, PLGA and Revolutionary people’s organs, to take them among the broad masses and to transform them into a strong, organised force. However, there is yet a lot to do to mould the Party with unity of thought and practice, with discipline, to control escapism and to develop communist values.
During this period, party took up a campaign to consolidate the party. The party committees issued circulars according to specific conditions and are implementing the program of consolidation. Efforts are going on to strengthen the three revolutionary magic weapons to the best of the capacity to achieve the central task. Importance was given to the protection of the party, especially the leadership. Membership increased to a certain extent in few areas during the consolidation campaign. New party cells were formed and the affected party cells were reorganised. Efforts were made to impart training so that these cells lead the People’s War in the local level. Education was taken up for the cadres basing on the reviews and tasks of Plenums of various Special Areas/Special Zones/States. Individual study, study camps and training classes are going on to educate cadres on the party documents namely ‘Changes in Relations of Production in India – Our Political Program’ (MOP), ‘Nationality Question – The stand of our Party’ and ‘Political and Organisational Review of the Central Committee’ (CC POR) up to the lower levels. These are to be taken up to the Mass Organisations and the people. Party has to adopt tactics, that is the program of class struggle corresponding to the objective situation basing on the MOP document and work to implement it with undeterred determination.
Incidents like Pareva hold up a great value of sacrifice in the heroic retaliation to the counter-revolutionary, strategic ‘SAMADHAN-Prahar’ offensive of the comprador ruling classes. However, there is no change in the method of work as per the changing conditions that led to very severe loss to the party. In view of these losses, the Polit Bureau (PB) issued a circular in 2022 January explaining the need to prevent such losses. The circular appealed to realise and rectify the weaknesses and shortcomings in studying and understanding the strategic tactical plan of the enemy and in practice, to review each and every incident and take lessons and to implement them firmly. Correspondingly, concrete effort is to be developed in the entire party.
Member of the Polit Bureau of the party Kobad Ghandy betrayed the revolutionary theory of MLM and the revolutionary movement and released a book ‘Fractured Freedom-a prison memoir’ to which the Central Committee wrote a reply in a theoretical booklet. It stated that Kobad’s book was a confession of a betrayer. It expelled him from the party. The CC gave a call to view Kobad who was a member of the CC and turned a betrayer to revolution after his arrest, as a negative teacher.
Party published the History of JanaNatyaMandali, the Cultural organisation that played a revolutionary role in its own style in the cultural sphere in the history of revolutionary movement of Andhra Pradesh and attained a prestigious place. The invaluable experiences that JNM handed over to the cultural sphere contribute to the development of the sphere and to overcome the challenges being faced in this work.
During this period, our party intervened at various levels exposing several Acts and policies that the central and the state governments brought forth in the interests of the imperialists and the comprador ruling classes. There is a gradual change in agitation and propaganda activity of the party. It is utilising social media to an extent. The publication of magazines of the central and the state committees is relatively better. The CC released a Souvenir on the occasion of the culmination of the 20th Anniversary of PLGA apart from the special issues of Awami-Jung and of magazines of various states. The CC released an abridged life history of Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee, a founder leader and teacher of our party. It also released the first volume of compilation of the life histories of members of the CC since the emergence of the united party until 2014 in Hindi.
The CC expanded its efforts in the sphere of international working class movement in various ways in this period. It worked to muster international support to the call of the ICSPWI for ‘Action Day on 24th November’, the International Women’s Day on 8th March and other such Revolutionary Days. It took up a program in solidarity to the revolutionary movement in Philippines on the occasion of 53rd foundation day celebrations of the NPA on 29th March. It placed before the people the stand of our party on the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. Thirteen MLM parties of various countries approved and jointly issued the statement given by our CC on the occasion of May Day, the international working class day of struggle. The CC sent a message to the meeting of ICSPWI on 1st July and the international meeting of the MLM parties held on 2nd and 3rd of July. It presented the party document ‘The stand of the party on the formation of International organisation of the proletariat’. Our party highlighted the resolutions of the meeting that the MLM parties must take up united practice against imperialism and in support to the People’s War in India and must work in the direction of formulating a joint understanding on the formation of international organisation and other such aspects. The solidarity work taken up by ICSPWI in the international plane is commendable. This effort of the various MLM parties in the world shall certainly contribute to the remobilisation and consolidation of Socialist revolutionary forces and to develop revolutionary movements.
PLGA forces made guerrilla war at various levels to daringly fight back the fierce Prahar offensive of the enemy in the leadership of our party. They relatively enhanced people’s efforts so as to help overcome the temporary setback and advance the revolutionary movement. They had an active role in mobilising and organising the people in anti-imperialist, anti-comprador bureaucratic capitalist, anti-feudal class struggles and build militant people’s struggles. They stood in support to building and rebuilding various revolutionary Mass Organisations and organs of Revolutionary people’s state power. They took up Tactical Counter Offensive Campaigns (TCOC) and guerrilla actions in few areas in the leadership of Party Committees, Military Commissions and Commands and gained certain victories. Few important guerrilla actions such as the attack on security guards of Manoharpur MLA in Jharkhand in which two body guards were eliminated and 3 AK Rifles were seized, the Naupada-Patadhara surprise ambush in Odisha in which two ASIs and three CRPF men were eliminated and 7 were injured and 3 AK Rifles were seized. In Dandakaranya 9 Para-Military and Special police men were wiped out, 34 Para-military and Special police were injured in different guerrilla actions. In the guerrilla actions of PLGA in various guerrilla areas in the past one year, 13 Para-Military, Commando and Special police were eliminated and 54 of them were injured. 5 anti-people political leaders, 34 police informers, two betrayers of revolution and one people’s enemy were eliminated. These successes in guerrilla war helped to inculcate revolutionary enthusiasm and to contain the enemy offensive to an extent.
The Party committees held several political classes and military training camps to strengthen the PLGA forces. Efforts were made to provide primary understanding to them on the basic documents. Training is being imparted to the main, secondary and base forces of PLGA on various kinds of combat skills, technical skills and improvised weapons. Efforts are made to arm PLGA forces basing on local resources. Party committees, Military Commissions, Commands, Military Instructor Teams and Departments are playing the main role in this work. Party is making planned efforts to preserve PLGA forces and ancillary departments, to strengthen the weak units, to rebuild the affected units, build the necessary new units and to sustain and expand the movement. It is containing the disruptive actions of betrayers of the party and PLGA and is preserving the party, people and the movement.
United Front
The CC assessed in 2021 January that the several people’s movements going on in the country for the past five years shall develop into a countrywide ‘spate of people’s movement’. The rising people’s movements prove the assessment correct. Party daringly made constant efforts amidst fascist repression of the enemy to build agitation and propaganda of the oppressed classes and oppressed sections, to build the various Mass Organisations and to develop them through adopting plans in the respective areas. We attained certain level of relative development in building anti-imperialist, anti-comprador bureaucratic capitalist, anti-feudal class struggles. People are mobilising in thousands of numbers all over the country and in the revolutionary areas against corporatisation-militarisation (expansion of carpet security) and displacement. Our party has to take initiative to develop the political consciousness of the struggling people in all the areas.
Our party became part of the peasant struggle against the three Agrarian laws and corporatisation of agriculture that was centered in the capital city of the country for more than a year, to the extent possible. The militant struggle of the farmers with the help of workers, students, democratic forces, the entire oppressed classes, sections and nationalities forced the Modi government to withdraw the three Agrarian laws. The success of the struggle provided a good experience for our party in the sphere of United Front.
There were several struggles against the acquisition of farmers’ lands, government lands and forest lands such as in Hasdeo, forcible displacement and devastation of environment for the proposed mines, projects and pro-corporate, anti-people infrastructure and National Parks of foreign Multi-National Companies, domestic comprador bureaucratic capitalist companies such as TATA, Adani, Ambani, Vedanta, Jindal, Mittal, ESSAR and various governments. There were protest demonstrations all over the country against state violence, for the withdrawal of lakhs of police forces and camps deployed for the protection of corporate companies, for the release of political prisoners imprisoned in jails in several conspiracy cases such as Bhima Koregaon and demanding the annulment of draconian laws such as the UAPA. Militant struggles took place for prolonged periods in the areas of revolutionary movement. Especially people are fighting for power of the tribal and oppressed people on ‘water-forest-land’, to implement the 5th and 6th schedules in the tribal areas, to implement the power of Gram Sabha, to demand autonomy for the indigenous-tribal areas, against the proposed amendments to the Forest Conservation Act-1980 that liquidate it, against indiscriminate drone attacks in tribal areas in the name of ‘elimination of Maoists’ and demanding ‘stop massacres in Bastar’, ‘punish the responsible police officers’. Especially the tribal people of Dandakaranya formed a United forum in the leadership of which militant struggle is going on for the past one year against police camps, the atrocities and massacres on the tribal people that started in Silinger on the border of South Bastar’s Sukma-Bijapur districts and extended to over 15 other places all over the Special Zone. The movement in solidarity to this struggle expanded all over Chhattisgarh and also in the country and in the world and this stands as a model. Tribal people of Telangana are fighting for preserving their podu lands for a long time. People of forest areas fought against the attacks of the forest officers. Party led struggles to seize forest lands and waste lands in certain areas. It mobilised people on farmers’ problems. In the process it made efforts to propagate the politics of seizure of political power through armed struggle among the people.
Party extended support to the strikes and bandhs of organised and unorganised workers, employees, teachers, Anganvadi employees, migrant-displaced workers and youth and others against the four anti-working class codes that the Modi government brought forth and the privatisation of banks, Railways, LIC, mines, steel plants and the entire public sector enterprises and companies. It declared its support to the struggle going on in the leadership of United Action forum against the proposed Silver line semi-High speed Railway corridor in Kozhikode district of Kerala. People are preparing for struggle against the proposed hydro-electric project in Navarangpur district of Odisha on River Tel. Women are not only taking part in all these struggles but are militant in all the struggles against the brutal atrocities on them. They came on to the roads and took up militant struggle in protest to the incident in which a school teacher Mamita Mehar of Raigarh district of Odisha was killed and her dead body buried. In another case a bishop was found not guilty by the court in a rape case on a nun in Kerala and other such issues. People held demonstrations in many areas against the problems of daily life, especially against the Russian aggression on Ukraine and against the sky rocketing prices.
There are several struggles against the atrocities and massacres of the Brahmanic Hindutva forces on religious minorities, especially Muslims, Christians, tribal and Dalit people, women, students and intellectuals. Poor people living below the poverty line in the country are fighting for their right to food. Human rights organisations, social activists, prominent Professors, historians, experts of various sectors and social researchers in several towns are expressing protest with the demand for ‘preservation of democracy’. They are protesting the cruel repression unleashed by the state in the name of ‘urban Naxal’ on the voices that question its misdeeds. Students-youth-teachers are mobilising in several struggles against the new National Education Policy that saffronises and corporatises the education sector, demanding right to universal education, against online education and demanding solution to the rising problem of unemployment. The unemployed youth of the country rebelled against the ‘Agnipath’ scheme of the Hindutva Modi government to saffronise and casualise the Indian Army.
Party not only extended support to several such struggles but also made efforts to participate in and lead them. In the process several Mass Organisations working in the leadership of the party held Conferences in many states and adopted the future tasks. They consolidated politically and organisationally. Various open and secret Mass Organisations and United Action forums are increasingly formed and are working. Party is making efforts to develop the necessary study and the specialisation to lead the oppressed classes, sections and nationalities according to their aspirations. Constructive effort is going on regarding farmers’ problems.
Organs of revolutionary people’s state power are working at the village, area and district levels in places of intensive guerrilla war in the leadership of the party and are taking up people’s state power in the primary level. Revolutionary people are preserving these people’s governments and are formulating their future. Those are placing alternate model of development in the embryonic stage. People of several villages acted on the call of the party to boycott the panchayat elections in Jharkhand and Odisha and did not vote demanding a solution to people’s problems. They are getting organised towards the alternative revolutionary state power.
Dear Comrades and People!
Although there is little relaxation in the economic depression that is going on since 2008 in the international plane, imperialist financial and economic crisis is going on intensifying. Imperialists are implementing globalisation policies in order to overcome the crisis and to divide and exploit the world as per their balance of forces. There is an unprecedented rise in the differences between the rich and the poor. The backward Asian, African and Latin American countries became absolutely dependent countries.
In addition to the external and internal conflicts environment also fell in crisis leading to natural calamities and deadly diseases like COVID in several backward countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Yemen and Afghanistan. Prices doubled. Due to these reasons, 34.5 crores of poor people in the world are suffering from hunger and diseases. Due to imperialist sponsored globalisation policies, comprador exploitive rulers are destroying the few welfare systems that are left over. A large number of poor people are committing suicides in desperate condition. Around 8,500 children are dying every day due to lack of nutritional diet. According to an assessment, starvation deaths shall be unprecedentedly high since 1960s in 2022-23. While the income of the poor is receding, the prices of essential commodities are steeply rising.
The Ukraine war intensified these crises. It is pushing the economies of several countries into further crisis. Economic crisis is intensifying all over the world with the thousands of sanctions of the US and European countries on Russia in their imperialist interests and due to the disruption of supply chain of several important products, raw material and food material. Russia already fell in inflation. In US too, inflation was record high in the past 41 years. The world is going further into the mire of food crisis. Unemployment is on the rise. While the imperialists and comprador exploiters are minting profits from the war in Ukraine, crores of oppressed people are dying due to food crisis, lakhs due to displacement and lakhs due to starvation deaths. Twenty lakh people of all oppressed classes, all religions and nationalities, especially women came on to the streets and fought for months against the comprador rulers in Sri Lanka that fell in economic crisis. Workers made two General strikes. The Army, police and the judiciary came to a standstill. None of these was ready to apply force on the agitating people. Imperialist countries talked the least towards the economic and social crisis in the meetings of BRICS, G7 and NATO held in 2022 June. This further intensified the contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nationalities and people. People’s struggles are mounting against imperialists and comprador ruling classes in the backward countries. This is showing a large impact on the working class, migrant people, non-white people and also on the middle classes in the imperialist-capitalist countries. Various oppressed sections including workers of these countries are taking up militant strikes.
The true character of the fascist policies of the President of the US, Biden to regain its lost hegemony on the world came to light in the past two years. There is severe protest from the people of the US against the policies. Of late, women came out in severe protest to the annulment of right to abortion by the Supreme Court of the country. The US murdered the leader of Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri through drone missiles in Afghanistan. The US is continuing its war economy as a part of its world hegemonic geographical political strategy and is coordinating those with NATO centring in Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The US played an important role in intensifying the war in Ukraine. Cold war started once again between the imperialists with the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. As a part of its Indo-Pacific strategy, the US sent its spokesperson and woman speaker of people’s representative assembly Nancy Pelosi on a tour to Switzerland, Taiwan, Japan and other countries. It thus instigated China. It did not heed to the strong opposition of China to her tour. As a result the situation around Taiwan island became tense with war manoeuvres of the US and Chinese armies. There is a worldwide war atmosphere with the US trying to reorganise basing on alliances such as NATO, QUAD and AUKUS and Russia and China contending in every sector.
Due to the globalisation polices taken up by Hindutva fascist Modi government, the agent of the imperialists in our country, the value of rupee fell to 79.65 per dollar. The country is tumbling deep into the mire of loans. While the total loan of the country was Rs.55 lakh crores in 2014, it reached Rs. 135 lakh crores in the eight year bankrupt rule of Modi. It means they have been making loans of Rs. 83,000 crores every month. The government is going to take a loan of another Rs.16.61 lakh crores this year. The fall of rupee is going to lead to further loans. One third of the loans are to be repaid in the coming 9 months. Foreign exchange of our country decreased to a minimum in a period of 15 months by 2022 July to 571.56 billion dollars. Therefore new loans have to be borrowed to repay the loans or else the government properties have to be sold. 8.2 percent funds of the budget are already being spent on payment of interests on loans now. We see that the Modi government opened up a ‘loan burdened India’ and ‘dependent India’ while reciting about ‘Atmanirbhar (self-reliant) India’. Modi government paid Rs.2.02 lakh crore rupees to the big capitalists and Rs.10.75 lakh crore rupees in lieu of the loans that they did not repay, in 2021 alone. This makes clear as to whose pockets the Modi government is filling.
In Modi’s governance trade deficit rose to a worrisome level due to more expenditure on imports than the income from exports. With this, the burden of taxes rose on ordinary people. The international market is witnessing a bizarre rise in prices of crude oil with the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. The prices of essential commodities are going sky high. Prices of fertilisers, pesticides and agriculture machinery rose thus increasing the cost of agriculture. Inflation is beyond 15 percent. India is in low level in all the vital economic indices. There is no rise in the growth rate of retail for the past eight years. Unemployment rose considerably. The central banks of the US and European countries recently increased interest rates. Foreign investments are going out of our country due to distrust in the growth of Indian economy. Demand for goods must rise in the market if the growth rate has to increase. Demand would rise only with a rise in the purchasing power of the people. For this purpose the problem of unemployment has to be solved. Wages must be increased. Taxes must be reduced. This is lacking in our country at present.
According to the Centre for Science and Environment Report-2022, 71 percent of the Indian people are not able to have minimum nutrition (such as food grains, proteins, vegetables and fruits). As a result 17 lakh people are dying every year. There are cuts in welfare schemes. With the governments stepping out of its responsibility of health and education and corporate enterprises gaining hold on them, both the sectors are at loss. These are exploiting people’s money to the corporate hospitals in the name of treatment. Nearly 7.8 crores of houses of the country lack electricity. 33 percent of the population do not have an income of at least 80 rupees. India is in the lower most 150th place of hunger index in the world. It is in the 142nd place in human development index and in the 139th place in happiness index. The Universities of our country are in the lower ranks among those of the world. Indian Constitution states that no citizen of the country must suffer from poverty and hunger and that everyone must have equal opportunities. Directive principles state that it is the responsibility of the government to see that wealth does not accumulate at one point. But the reality is totally on the contrary.
Due to the globalisation policies adopted by the exploitive governments for the past three decades, the rich are becoming richer and the poor poorer. 77 percent of the wealth of the country is with 10 percent rich people. A recent report from OXFAM revealed that two persons of the country are going below the poverty line per second in the country. This amounts to 6.3 crores per year. Nearly 18 to 20 crore people of the country fell below the poverty line with loss of employment during the Corona crisis created by the imperialists, due to bankruptcy in trade, intensification of Agrarian crisis and other such reasons. At the same time, the richest person of the country Gautam Adani and Mukesh Ambani and many industrialists minted money. This is the actual picture of our country said to be the biggest democracy in the world.
The fascist policies of the Modi government are giving further hold to the domestic and foreign corporate companies in all sectors. The eight year rule of Modi either annulled 1800 Acts that are in the way of the corporate companies or amended the Acts in favour of the capitalists. Steel, electricity, coal, digital contracts, High Ways, Railways, Airports, Ports, Public sector enterprises, natural resources, lakhs of crores of subsidies, waiver of bank loans and all such are given to the Multi-National Companies and comprador capitalist giants such as Adani and Ambani in the country. It either shrunk or withdrew the organised sector in all the sectors and casualisation became the ordinary policy.
Socio-economic conditions are degenerating due to intensified economic crisis in the international and domestic planes. People are highly discontent of which the comprador Hindutva rulers are well aware. Therefore their leader Modi is applying all kinds of tricks to deceive the people. He is making false promises about ‘development’. He is playing magic about the ‘prosperity of the country’ in order to drip them in illusions, to instigate Hindutva fascism and national chauvinism and make them socially useless. In fact the policies of Modi government are absolutely against the people and the country and in favour of the imperialist banks, Multi-National Corporations, big comprador bureaucratic capitalists and big landlords. These policies further degenerated the conditions of workers, farmers, middle classes and oppressed social sections.
Utmost bureaucratic, fascist Acts are being brought forth in the rule of Brahmanic Hindutva forces in the leadership of Modi. Cruel repression is unleashed on various toiling masses and democratic and human rights movements. There are constant arrests and false encounters. Suppression of democratic rights has become an ordinary feature in the country. In addition to our party, the Revolutionary Mass Organisations, oppressed classes, people’s communities, oppressed nationalities and parliamentary opposition parties are also targeted. 118 activists were brutally murdered in Kashmir alone in 2022. Apart from the central and the state governments of BJP rule, Congress, Trinamool Congress, BJP, Janatadal (U), TRS, Y. Raja Shekhara Reddy Congress, DMK, JMM and the state governments where revisionist alliance is in power in the leadership of CPM are also competing to implement fascism. So, 76 percent of the prisoners in the country are languishing in jails for years together. In Jharkhand, SAC member Comrade Praveer was pronounced death by hanging. In Bihar five tribal and farmer comrades were given the same which the High Court later turned into life imprisonment. The Supreme Court fined a Gandhian social worker Himanshu Kumar who fought for justice for tribal people in a case where 10 people were killed by the armed forces in Gompad of Dandakaranya with Rs. 5 lakhs. The court released 121 tribal people in jail for the past five years in Burkapal case but did not pay compensation for imprisoning them. The court also did not impose fine on the police officers responsible for their imprisonment on false case. This is the class justice that the courts of exploitive classes implement.
Hindutva rulers have been holding grand propaganda campaigns, meetings and seminars for the past one year spending thousands of crores of rupees in the name of ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ on the occasion of 75th ‘Independence’ Anniversary of the country. In fact it is 75 years for the transfer of power from the British to the comprador capitalists and landlords on 15th August 1947. But none of the fundamental problems of the people was solved until now. There is no big change in the lives of the people. The number of poor people suffering from poverty, hunger deaths and those below the poverty line is increasing. As a result of imperialist corporatisation, imperialist sponsored manipulative industrial and agrarian polices, the country became totally dependent. The governments are trying to keep the people in illusions showing the bubble of development taking place through imperialist corporatisation. In fact, the counter-revolutionary alliance of imperialism, comprador bureaucratic capitalist and big landlord classes is in the way of development of forces of production in the country. It is a big hurdle for stable development of the country. This led the industrial and agriculture sectors into the mire of crisis. Farmers are selling away their lands and turning into tenant farmers or farm labourers. They are migrating to other places when no daily labour is available. Multi-National Companies and comprador capitalists are introducing technologies that deprive employment in different industries and shrinking the organised sector. This deprived the workers and employees of security of employment. The rights that the workers achieved through struggle were trampled. Fascist offensive of the government armed forces is on the rise on people in struggle. The country is being militarised. There is no fundamental freedom and independence in this country said to be the biggest democracy in the world. Right to speak, right to meet, to form an organisation, to protest, to education, to food, to employment, to residence and even right to live do not exist. The Acts and directive principles of Constitution are not bothered. Goebbels Modi untiringly propagates showing the 3 trillion dollars of Gross National Product gained basing on technologies that increase unemployment and poverty as the development of the country. If the development was true, why do the people’s lives turn terrible with lack of food, shelter, clothing, drinking water, education, health, land, irrigation and employment? Why are crores of people deprived of food even once a day? Why are there no kind of political rights including the right to protest in this ‘democratic’ country?
In Modi’s view, development is nothing but to increase imperialist neo-colonial exploitation and comprador capitalist, feudal exploitation. Therefore, inviting ‘new India’ that the Hindutva rulers in the leadership of Modi are speaking of as a part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ is to hand over the country to imperialist Multi-National Companies. It means to find the big murderers and corrupt officials not guilty and protect them. It means to crush the voice of prominent people’s leaders and indefinitely imprison them. The innocent shall be found guilty. It will be a crime to take up social activities, to fight for human rights and to speak truth. The lives of Muslims, tribal, Dalit people and women shall have no value. Suffocating the tribal people’s lives who cannot live without hills and forests to hand over the necessary land, electricity, valuable metallic elements, water and timber to the imperialist and comprador corporate masters will be justified. Attacks, harassment, tortures and taking the lives of the innocent shall continue. This is the actual character of ‘new India’. ‘Agnipath’ scheme that saffronises and fascises Indian Armies had been adopted to achieve new India. The four lions cruelly stretching its fangs being fixed on the top of the new Parliament building built by TATA Company as a part of the Central Vista project of the government shall become an indication of this fascist offensive. Its mouths reveal the idea to turn the country into a land of war mongers. Oppressed people, sections and nationalities can breathe freely through emancipating the semi-colonial, semi-feudal India from the Hindutva comprador ruling classes that are enslaved to the imperialist neo-colonialists. Only then genuine new India, the people’s democratic India, the New Democratic India shall come into being.
Dear Comrades and People!
The various oppressed classes, sections and nationalities shall continue to make class struggle, democratic struggles, nationality liberation struggles and revolutions as long as exploitation, oppression, suppression and discrimination continue. The ruling classes and their state instigate the people to rebel by making massacres, atrocities and insulting them. Therefore the ruling classes or their state can never permanently stop revolutions. Our party must have the initiative to search for paths to overcome the unfavourable aspects by totally utilising the present favourable objective conditions with a Marxist understanding and unwavering confidence in social revolutions. We must realise the particular favourable aspect in each place. In order to withstand the enemy offensive, we have to efficiently utilise the favourable conditions, rectify the weaknesses and mistakes and have the initiative. We must enlighten the people politically and develop class struggles and people’s struggles. Marx and Engels handed over the revolutionary theory of ‘Marxism’ to the world proletariat and the toiling masses of all the countries. Lenin and Stalin built the Bolshevik party invincible and steeled, accomplished Socialist revolution and established Socialist state. Mao proved how to serve the people, how to establish the New Democratic State-Socialism and how to make Cultural Revolution to preserve it. Communist party leadership must make large scale mass work in order to establish close relations with the people and create flames of class struggle. Without enlightening the people of oppressed classes, sections and nationalities politically and without igniting the flames of class struggle, the Party-PLGA-United Front shall not strengthen. Revolution shall not be successful. International proletarian tasks shall not be fulfilled militantly. Without people’s retaliation-armed retaliation and People’s War according to the aspirations of the people, people’s mobilisation and struggles and against the enemy offensive, we cannot preserve any of the people’s victories. We can accomplish New Democratic Revolution with the axle of Armed Agrarian Revolution only by destructing the semi-colonial, semi-feudal society through Protracted People’s War. Only thus we can establish New Democratic India without exploitation, oppression, suppression and discrimination. Let us step forth firmly with this understanding and self-confidence!
Long live Communist Party of India (Maoist)
13th August, 2022
Revolutionary Greetings
Central Committee
Communist Party of India (Maoist)