Spanish State: Chronicle of the II Congress of the Maoist Communist Party
We publish a unofficial and preliminary translation of the chronicle of the II Congress of the Maoist Communist Party in the Spanish State.
We publish a unofficial and preliminary translation of the chronicle of the II Congress of the Maoist Communist Party in the Spanish State.
Chronicle of the II Congress of the Maoist Communist Party
January 10, 2022
Last December 3, 4 and 5, 2021 the II Congress of the (Marxist-Leninist) Workers Party was held. This Congress was very important for our Party and had been worked on for months, with an important ideological work that would allow the two-line struggle to emerge and the militancy to express itself freely to show its opinions, to evaluate the work of the outgoing Central Committee and to mark the future of the organization.
The Congress began with the reading of the greetings of the organizations that sent us their best wishes for the good development of the Congress, a matter that our organization appreciates and that demonstrates the important work of international relations that we have been doing.

It is very important to make known that the main debate, which was the axis of this 2nd Congress, was the adoption of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as the ideology of our Party. The debate was healthy and all the attendees were able to express their position, being unanimous in favor of it. Thus, our Party is clear that Maoism is the third, new, and higher stage of the universal ideology of the proletariat.
When assuming Marxism-Leninism-Maoism it became fundamental to make a study and a balance of the International Communist Movement and of the organizations that have claimed to be Maoist. We have been formed by studying the TKP/ML, the CPI (Maoist), the Communist Party of the Philippines… and, especially, the Communist Party of Peru. It was the PCP who initiated the first people’s war after the death of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, and it was Chairman Gonzalo who synthesized Maoism as the third, new and higher stage. Our Party, together with Maoism, has assumed the universally valid contributions of Chairman Gonzalo, considering that they form an indispensable part of the proletarian ideology.
Taking into account the aforementioned issues, the seizure of power was another transcendental debate that we could not leave aside. Our Party assumed from its beginnings that the Spanish State was an imperialist state, therefore it makes no sense to bet on stagism or intermediate positions. Our position is that of the proletarian revolution. After studying during the whole congress process the positions of all the Marxist parties and theoreticians, we have decided to assume the Protracted People’s War as the universal method for the seizure of power. We are fully aware that this is only a declaration of intentions, therefore we have to study and learn about its materialization and development in imperialist countries.
The debate on the national question in the Spanish state was also very important. This is a burning issue in Spanish communism and in which many parties, self-styled communists, fall into social-chauvinism and openly reactionary positions. Our organization has analyzed that in the Spanish State there are four nations, the Spanish, the Catalan, the Basque and the Galician. This leads us consistently to defend the right of self-determination of the nations.
The mass line has played a particularly relevant role in the Congress. We have studied Chairman Mao’s positions on the role of the masses and how they are the ones who make history, besides being where the correctness of our positions are tested. We have to constantly learn from the masses and always be in contact with the masses. We have to take into account the role of the advanced elements of the class at this moment, which are those who understand the need for revolution and who organize for it. In relation to this, we have assumed the concentric construction of the three instruments of the revolution, understanding the role and the form that the Communist Party assumes in this construction, that is, the militarized Communist Party.
Regarding the mass line, we have opted to strengthen feminist work, betting on revolutionary proletarian feminism as a way in which we must work on the oppression suffered by working women under capitalism, giving it a marked class character and a revolutionary commitment. We have also discussed patriarchy and the form it takes today, as well as the oppression of the LGBT community.
Finally, we discussed our name. By assuming Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, it made no sense to continue calling ourselves the (Marxist-Leninist) Workers’ Party. We do not have the previous history of organizations like the TKP/ML, which have a great history and therefore maintain their historical name. Our organization had that name for a couple of years. That is why we have resolved to call ourselves as Maoist Communist Party, which seems to us to make our line clear and follows the call of the Communist International to call the Parties as Communist Parties.
After this Congress our organization has made an important change and has assumed important challenges and positions that should make us advance towards the proletarian revolution. We are not just another Communist Party, we are a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organization that is clear that it is not the vanguard Communist Party. Having this question clear, our Party fights for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of the Spanish State.
We have decided to adopt the reconstitution and abandon the term reconstruction because the latter tends to be confused with the purely organizational question. The reconstitution is the fusion of the Marxist-Leninist thesis of the Party of the New Type with the contributions of Chairman Mao Tse Tung of the vanguard and the masses. Currently there exists within the revisionist camp a conception that tries to equate the Communist Party to a vanguard organization, which, subsequently, turns to the mass movement to try to lead it; the reconstitution is given by conquering the most advanced sectors of the masses through the creation of generated organisms, developing the United Front. These advanced sectors are the ones that act as intermediaries between the Party and the broad masses of workers in order to form a revolutionary political movement that fuses scientific socialism with the mass movement. This is how the revolutionary movement is built, through the line of the masses, as the PCP and the reconstituted Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties showed us.
We have many challenges ahead, but we face them with courage and being clear, as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels said in the Manifesto of the Communist Party:
“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Proletarians of all Countries, unite!”
That is why we make public this chronicle of our Congress, so that the working class and the masses can know what we have debated and what are our most relevant positions.