INDIA – Condemn the Arrest of CCM Comrade Kanchanda
The Central Committee of the CPI(Maoist) released a document on occasion of the arrest of a member of its Central Committee, Comrade Kanchanda:
Central Committee
Press Release
14 March, 2022
Condemn the arrest and Fight for the release of CCM of CPI (Maoist) Comrade Kanchanda (Arunkumar Bhattacharjee)!

The Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist) condemns the arrest of its member Comrade Arunkumar Bhattacharjee (Kanchanda) in a tea plantation of Udarband area in the state of Assam along with Comrade Aakash Urang (Rahul, Kajal). It appeals to the democrats, civil rights organisations and the people of the country to condemn the arrest. Comrade Kanchanda, a senior comrade of the party was elected into the CC in 2004 at the time of merger of the two erstwhile parties MCCI and CPI (ML) (People’s War).
He was re-elected into the CC in the Unity Congress-Ninth Congress of the Party held in 2007. He worked among workers in the Bihar-Jharkhand Special Area for a long time. He was also looking after the party affairs in West Bengal and Assam by the time of his arrest. At the age of 72 he was working actively to fulfill his responsibilities given by the Party.
The Indian government adopted the SAMADHAN-Prahar fascist military offensive in a bid to eliminate the Party, PLGA and the revolutionary movement. The arrest is part of the unceasing attacks targeting the leadership. We appeal to the various revolutionary, democratic and rights organisations to oppose the ongoing offensive and to fight for the release of Comrade Kanchanda and all the political prisoners of the country. As he is suffering from different ailments, we also appeal to demand the government to provide him better treatment.
Central Committee