German – Ka Maria Malaya: Long live the Martyrs of the Party and the Revolution!
Im Namen des Internationalen Kommunistischen Bundes sprechen wir unser tief empfundenes Beileid zum Tod von Genossin Maria Malaya aus, German-Ka-Maria-MalayaDownload
Im Namen des Internationalen Kommunistischen Bundes sprechen wir unser tief empfundenes Beileid zum Tod von Genossin Maria Malaya aus, German-Ka-Maria-MalayaDownload
We hereby share an unofficial translation of the Declaration by the International Communist League (ICL) on Ka Maria Malaya: Proletari...
We hereby share an unofficial translation of the Declaration by the International Communist League (ICL) on Ka Maria Malaya: Proletariërs...
Proletarians of all countries, unite! On behalf of the International Communist League, we express our heartfelt condolences for the death...
Podignimo veliki crveni barjak marksizma-lenjinizma-maoizma na čelo velikih valova borbe narodnih masa! deklaracija-povodom-131.-godisnjice-rodenja-predsjednika-mao-ce-tunga-i-druge-godisnjice-internacionalne-komunisticke-ligeDownload
We share this unofficial translation received. chineseDownload
По случаю 131-й годовщины со дня рождения великого Председателя Мао Цзэдуна и 2-й годовщины основания Международной Коммунистической Лиги (МКЛ) RU...
I anledning 131-årsdagen for den store formann Mao Tsetungs fødsel og 2-årsdagen for stiftelsen av Internasjonalt Kommunistisk Forbund (IKF) 26dec-norDownload
We hereby share an unofficial translation of the ICL Declaration on the 131st anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao...
We hereby share an unofficial translation of the ICL Declaration on the 131st anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao...