Condolences by the International Communist League for the death of Comrade Jose Maria Sison

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Condolences by the International Communist League
for the death of Comrade Jose Maria Sison

The International Communist League extends its heartfelt condolences to the Communist Party of the Philippines, its Central Committee, its cadres, militants, combatants, revolutionary masses and people of the Philippines that are under its leadership for the death of its founding chairman, Jose Maria Sison. The international proletariat pays homage to the life of comrade Sison and his contributions to the international proletariat and people of the Philippines.

Jose Maria Sison became a communist militant since 1962 and – under the influence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China People’s Republic and Mao Tsetung Thought – has firmly fought Khrushchev revisionism and led the struggle in the Philippines to split with the revisionists in the country. Comrade Sison led the foundation of the Communist Party of the Philippines in 1968 based on Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought to initiate the armed struggle and to carry out the revolution of new democracy as the first step toward Communism. Comrade Sison led the creation of the glorious New People’s Army with which the flames of the People’s War in 1969 was sparked. Afterwards, Comrade Sison recognized Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as Marxism of our days. Today, the Communist Party of the Philippines keeps these glorious legacies alive by holding high the red flag of the People’s War and Maoism.

Despite the physical participation of the Communist Party of the Philippines not being possible to take place in the Unified Maoist International Conference, the First Conference of the International Communist League, the spirit of the Party founded by Sison and the example of the great People’s War – which is today part of the first combat row of the World Proletarian Revolution – were present.

The red combatants of the People’ War in the Philippines have fired their guns last December 26 in homage to Comrade Sison; the example and sacrifice of these unwavering communists who persist in the path of the People’s War that was opened by Comrade Sison are the most beautiful tribute to the contributions of Comrade Sison to the International Communist Movement and the proletariat and people of the Philippines.

Honor and Glory to Comrade Sison!
Long Live the People’s War in the Philippines!
Long Live the 54th anniversary of the foundation of the Communist Party of the Philippines!

International Communist League – ICL