Resolution of special acknowledgment to Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations participating on the UNIFIED MAOIST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (UMIC) – following the path of the Third International founded by the Great Lenin and the best traditions of the International Communist Movement (ICM) – solemnly declare to the international Proletariat and the peoples of the world that the historical and transcendental decision of giving birth to the new international Maoist organization was taken, founded under the three great and glorious red banners: Maoism, the struggle against revisionism and the world proletarian revolution.
With deep communist conviction, we parties and organizations reunited here reaffirm ourselves – once more and with solemn commitment – in fulfilling the agreements of the Unified Maoist International Conference, defending and applying the almighty ideology of the international proletariat – Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
It is a firm commitment in the arduous and restless struggle for imposing Maoism as the sole command and guide of the World Revolution, the only deeply red and unfading flag which is the guarantee of triumph for the proletariat, the oppressed nations and the peoples of the world in its inexorable march towards the golden and forever shining communism.
The 1st Unified Maoist International Conference of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties and organizations have an historical transcendence and a deep strategic content. It is a glorious task which corresponds to the New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution.
With ardent enthusiasm, and overflowing with class optimism and deeply moved, we raise the red slogan:
The 1st Unified Maoist International Conference is a base and inexorably marches toward the reunification of the communists in the ICM – a war machine – a machine of combat that raises the unfading flags of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and the invincible People’s War!!
Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Resolution of special acknowledgment to Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP
September 11 2021, Chairman Gonzalo offered his life in the highest people’s war luminous trench of combat, conquering a political, military and moral victory for the Communist Party of Peru, the people’s war, the international proletariat and the peoples of the world. We, as members of the 1st international Conference of the International Communist League (ICL), pay a special homage to this great leader of the proletariat, raising to the top the undefeated flag, swearing to follow his extraordinary example of thorough and complete dedication to our cause, the struggle and unstoppable toil for communism.
Chairman Gonzalo has been present in the mind and hearts of all of us, in all the tasks and all the struggles that we have developed, precisely guided by our unfading ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, which he in a just and correct way defined as the new, third and higher stage of Marxism. Chairman Gonzalo has taught us the great truth that being a Marxist today is being a Maoist. So, this International Conference is a result and an expression of chairman Gonzalo’s struggle, and therefore it constitutes a homage to this titan of thought and action.
The people’s war in Peru, amidst a difficult and complex situation, follows the path established by Chairman Gonzalo, because the heroic combatant, the Communist Party of Peru -forged in his image and semblance- still standing. The process of the general reorganization that our comrades in Peru are unfolding now is advancing and we are side by side with them, ready to contribute anything necessary for its success. We are sure that developing the democratic revolution, with more and more People’s war, the PCP will continue fulfilling its role, as it always has, developing the Peruvian revolution at the service of world revolution.
The presence of the PCP at our conference has been an indispensable condition for its successful development and the foundation of our ICL.
Eternal glory to Chairman Gonzalo!
Long live the Communist Party of Peru and the People’s War it leads!
Chairman Gonzalo has not died – he lives in us!
1st International Conference of the International Communist League